When looking at homes for sale, it is an easy thing to overlook the smaller details. Though glass may not seem so small, if it is visually appealing, most would consider it to be of worthy condition. With these helpful tips, we hope to bring some light to the situation.
1. Estimates, estimates, estimates! Nothing will help you more than taking advantage of a free service. An estimate allows potential home buyers to gauge pricing for modifications or remodels without having to commit to anything.
2. Time is of the essence. We understand that there are strict deadlines to meet when buying a home, so we generally provide quick pricing information in any way we can. Give us a call or have us come by to see it ourselves – we want this process to be as seamless as possible for you.
3. Take advantage of an open house. When walking through a house, check the condition of the frames, and the locking mechanisms of the windows. Does every window and door open and close as it should? Is any of the glass foggy? Most of this should have been covered in an inspection but it’s always a good idea to check for yourself.
4. Available Options. If there is a broken glass pane, condensation, drafts or leaks, consider calling us to replace the glass or reseal it with new caulking or weather stripping. That is a simple and cost-effective solution that everyone will be happy with as you don’t always have to replace the full window.
5. Knowledge & Warranties. Ask the current homeowners for any warranties of information on the brand or manufacturer of the home’s windows or glass. While most manufacturers won’t honor a warranty when the ownership changes, some will and the only way to identify when that’s the case, is to have the information available.